Sometimes you own antiques because they mean something to you. Sometimes you own antiques because you thought they’d be a good investment. Eventually, the time usually comes to sell them. And regardless of why you owned them in the first place, selling is always tough emotionally, logically and financially.

A lot of that distress can be eased by selling your antiques for the best price possible.

Regardless of if you’re selling for personal reasons for with a profit motive, it’s nice to know you got the best price possible. Here are our tips for making that possible:

Know What Comparable Items Sold For

There are no rock solid rules for pricing antiques. One of the best barometers for pricing of a particular item is how much comparable items have sold for in the past and how recently those transactions were. Luckily, well-known auction houses including eBay post successful auctions that have ended. If you search through ended auction with your keywords, you could find good comparable data.

Know The Factors That Determine Selling Price

Once you have comparable data, or even if you couldn’t find any, it’s helpful to know what specific factors go into pricing an antique. This way, you can slightly adjust the comparable data for your particular circumstance, or you can try to come up with an estimate from scratch based on your purchase price. Some factors to consider are quality, historical significance and rarity.

Let The Sellers Know You Stored Them Properly

One of the most important things about antiques is how well they’ve been maintained. Since most valuable antiques are old and rare, great care must be taken to ensure their quality long into the future. Since a lot of damage done by poor storage is done slowly over time and usually invisible to the naked eye, it helps put potential buyers at ease by letting them know you’ve stored the antique properly. Wondering how to properly store your antiques? Hopefully it’s not too late! Here’s our tips.

Know The Best Places To Sell

One you know you’re ready to sell, you should first try to sell in the venues that make the most sense for your goals. For example, if you’re looking to sell your antiques for cash as opposed to on consignment or as a trade, then you need to look in places that prioritize cash transactions. Choosing the right place to sell your antiques really comes down to your goals and your priorities, so take a look through our list of how and where to sell antiques to determine what’s best for you.


We spend millions each year buying antiques, and we’d love to take a look at what you’re selling and potentially make an offer! If interested in selling to us, please fill out this form or call us at 800-326-7064 and we will get back with you as soon as possible!

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    1. Hi Richard! I’m so sorry about that. Please call us at 800-326-7064 and we can help you as quickly as possible

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