The latest Guardians of the Galaxy trailer looks like an enormous amount of fun. Heroes whose only origin story is “we were already kicking alien ass and then we met”, a genuine sense of adventure, stars even further down the “selfish asshole” end of the superpower spectrum than Iron Man, and an absolute freedom from extant movie continuity. If the only woman just had more lines than the tree we couldn’t be happier.

Gamora is the deadliest woman in the galaxy but Mannequin‘s star had more lines in her trailer, and that was a movie about the cosmetic image of female compliance who came to life only so that a man could kiss her. The exact same role Gamora plays in this trailer.

Never mind Rocket Raccoon appearing in a movie before Wonder Woman, he gets to talk his tiny mouth off here. And he doesn’t exist. Even the green women in Star Trek got to talk more when begging Captain Kirk for more of this Earth thing called “love”. Zoe Saldana would have got more dialog if this was a video about her being held hostage. We’re hoping the movie does better. But this is how they decided to advertise it, and that’s cause for concern, because it looks like Marvel haven’t improved their opinion of female heroes in the half-century since Fantastic Four #65