The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, beloved since their 1980s debut, have captured the hearts of fans and collectors worldwide. They are now iconic symbols of heroism and teamwork but also make for some valuable collectibles!
Now, Neat Stuff Collectibles brings you the chance to own four extraordinary TMNT action figures. Don’t miss this opportunity to bring the Turtles to life in your own collection!
Table of Contents
Four (4) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures With Fan Club Inserts
This auction contains brand new, unused, unopened and undamaged TMNT action figures. Here are some more details, but be sure to review the listing for all information around this listing:
Condition: New
Franchise: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Brand: Playmates Toys
Year: 1988
This auction ends Sunday, so follow this link to see pictures of the items and to place your bid! Go To Auction >>
Sell Your Action Figures And Other Collectibles For Cash To Neat Stuff Collectibles
Do you have some action figures or other collectibles you’re interested in selling? Give us a call at Neat Stuff Collectibles and see how much we’d pay for them! Neat Stuff Collectibles is one of the largest buyers and sellers of collectibles in the country. We spend millions of dollars each and every year acquiring various collections, from large comic book collections to vintage action figures.
Ready to see how much we’d offer for your collectibles? Give us a call at 800-326-7064 or fill out our short seller inquiry form, no obligations!